Cites ADL’s Ongoing Denial of the Armenian Genocide
Boston, MA -- The Massachusetts Municipal Association voted unanimously on April 8, 2008 to end its sponsorship of the No Place for Hate program due to the Anti Defamation League’s (ADL) continued mischaracterization of the Armenian Genocide and its active opposition to its recognition.
The action by the nonprofit, nonpartisan association of Massachusetts cities and towns, comes after at least 12 Massachusetts communities have already withdrawn from the NPFH program concluding that their constituents' human rights needs are best served by dissociating themselves from the ADL.
In a statement released on April 8 the MMA affirmed that, "the inconsistency between the National ADL’s position on the Armenian Genocide and the human rights principles underlying NPFH is a matter of great concern to MMA Board members and the municipalities they represent. The MMA feels strongly that it is imperative to speak with absolute clarity on genocide and that, due to the NPFH program’s association with the National ADL, the Association will no longer be a sponsor of the program.”
Read the full MMA statement, the ANC Press Release, the Boston Globe article, the Watertown Tab Article and the February 26 Open Letter from the Armenian Community to the MMA.
Read about the Michigan Armenian community's protest of Abraham Foxman's appearance at Birmingham Community House. Read about the Los Angeles area protest against the ADL national director and the Glendale, California school boycott of ADL program. Watch video of rally in front of ADL national headquarters in New York City.