February 26, 2008
Massachusetts Municipal Association
One Winthrop Square
Boston MA 02110
Dear Chairman Tobey and Members,
We write to you in light of the November 2007 decision of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) “to take no further action” regarding its policy on the Armenian Genocide and respectfully urge you to rescind your endorsement of the No Place for Hate (NPFH) program due to the ADL’s refusal to unambiguously acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and its continued active opposition to US recognition of the Genocide.
In September the Board of Directors of the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) wrote to the ADL asking the ADL to remain true to its own mission and fully and unequivocally acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and express support for U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide.
Upon conclusion of its National Commissioners meeting in early November, however, the ADL issued a one sentence press statement declaring that, “The National Commission of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) today, at its annual meeting, decided to take no further action on the issue of the Armenian genocide.”
As a human rights organization and especially as an organization that sponsors tolerance education programs in our communities, the ADL is expected to speak with absolute moral clarity about genocide and its denial. As it stands, the ADL’s August 21 statement with its convoluted and irresolute language remains the ADL’s official statement on the Armenian Genocide.
While the achievements of the NPFH program and the hard work of its members should be applauded, their work has been compromised by the policies of the ADL which has failed to live up to the standards not only of its own mission to “secure justice and fair treatment for all citizens alike” but also of a human rights organization by its position on the Armenian Genocide. In addition, by not distancing itself from this position and instead publicly stating that their position is now one and the same with that of the National, the New England ADL has disappointingly retreated from the principled position it took in August.
The Belmont Human Rights Commission said it best: “ADL and the No Place for Hate program emphasize that the “tip of the pyramid of hatred” is genocide. How can we, in good faith, ask our community to work at the base of this same pyramid while the No Place for Hate sponsor is actively working against congressional, international recognition of the Armenian genocide?” (September 6, 2007)
We respectfully ask that you rescind your endorsement of the No Place for Hate program due to the ADL’s refusal to unambiguously acknowledge the Armenian Genocide and continued active opposition to US recognition of the Genocide.
Armenian Assembly of America
Armenian Church of the Holy Translators (Framingham, MA)
Armenian Church of the Martyrs (Worcester, MA)
Armenian Church of Our Savior (Worcester, MA)
Armenian Democratic Liberal Organization
Armenian General Benevolent Union
Armenian General Benevolent Union Young Professionals
Armenian Independent Broadcasting of Boston
Armenian Mirror Spectator Weekly
Armenian National Committee
Armenian Relief Society Cambridge Shushi Chapter
Armenian Relief Society Worcester Knar Chapter
Armenian Relief Society Lola Sassouni Chapter
Armenian Relief Society Lowell Lousintak Chapter
Armenian Revolutionary Federation
The Armenian Weekly
Armenian Youth Federation Worcester Aram Chapter
Armenian Youth Federation Greater Boston Chapter
First Armenian Church (Belmont, MA)
Hairenik Weekly
Hamazkayin Boston Chapter
Holy Cross Armenian Catholic Church (Belmont, MA)
Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church (Worcester, MA)
Holy Trinity Armenian Apostolic Church of Greater Boston (Cambridge, MA)
Homenetmen Greater Boston Chapter
National Association for Armenian Studies and Research
North Andover Sasoun Armenian Youth Federation
Project SAVE Armenian Photograph Archives
Social Democratic Hunchakian Party
St. Gregory Church of Merrimack Valley (North Andover, MA)
St. James Armenian Apostolic Church (Watertown, MA)
St. Stephen's Armenian Apostolic Church (Watertown, MA)
Sts. Vartanantz Armenian Church (Chelmsford, MA)
Tekeyan Cultural Association Boston Chapter